Joining Prof. Burdick's lab at CU Boulder
Meg joined the new Burdick lab at CU Boulder in January 2022. A fantastic opportunity to learn about hyaluronic acid, polymer functionalisation and getting a lab started! There just happen to be some incredible trails and mountains to explore too. Go Buffs!!

Research Funding - Osteology Foundation
In September 2021, Dr. Cooke (PI) was awarded a young researcher grant from the Osteology Foundation to carry out research investigating the use of microgels to provide a template for enhanced vascularisation in bone defect repair.
Featured Article - APL Bioengineering

In March 2021, Dr. Cooke's review article published in APL Bioengineering entitled "The rheology of direct and suspended extrusion bioprinting" was selected as a featured article. This review provides an overview of the rheological properties of bioinks and suspension media for suspended extrusion bioprinting. It delves into the rheological analyses that can be utilised and highlights recent developments in the field.
USBJI Young Investigators Initiative
In August 2020, Dr. Cooke was selected to be part of the US Bone and Joint Initiative Young Investigators Initiative. This program will pair her with two mentors who sit on CIHR and NIH review panels to guide her grant writing towards (hopefully!) successful funding applications.
Fellowship news! CIHR and FRQNT postdoc fellowships
In April 2020, Dr. Cooke was awarded both CIHR and FRQNT PostDoctoral fellowships. She will soon begin her CIHR fellowship developing in vitro models of the giant cell tumour microenvironment in Fall 2020.
Travel award from the Canadian Biomaterials Society
Dr. Cooke was awarded a $500 travel award for her abstract entitled "Biofabrication of an in vitro human bone metastasis model" to attend the World Biomaterials Congress 2020

Funding news
In January 2020, Dr. Cooke was awarded a fellowship by the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) to develop healthy tissue - tumour interface models

Funding from the RSBO
In November 2019, Dr. Cooke was re-awarded funding from the FRQS-funded network RSBO to continue her work in bioprinting the bone tumour microenvironment.

Postdoctoral Fellow position
In February 2019, Dr. Cooke started a postdoctoral position in the Rosenzweig lab at McGill University. Her research will focus on development of biomaterials for bone tissue engineering and producing in vitro models of the bone-cancer environment using bioprinting technology
PhD defence - Dr. Cooke!

In December 2018, Meg defended her PhD thesis to graduate from the University of Birmingham, UK. Sincere thanks go to her supervisory team of Prof. Liam Grover and Dr Simon Jones. Thanks also to her examiners, Prof Brendan Harley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) and Prof Graham Wallace (Birmingham)